Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dealing with Chester

If the only purpose of a nuclear ballistic missile is to kill people and destroy things, and doing those things is clearly illegal in polite society, at least most of the time anyway, then we as a society have every right to limit who can and cannot have one. This is common sense and the constitution and its 'right to bear arms' be damned.

If a grown man can only gain sexual pleasure by molesting some defenseless little kid, we should not care if it is a sickness or not, if he had a tough childhood, if there's hope some counseling can help him, or what the twisted and unrecognizable eight amendment has to say.

We don't need scientific studies to tell us that as people we like what we like, period. That's it. There is no changing that fact. We all know at a very early age if we like blonds, brunettes, redheads, tall or short, the opposite sex, or our own. We may sometimes hide it from ourselves, but deep inside we always know. And those likes seldom change.

Once Chester has gotten it into his head that going for the cute eight year old is the thing to do, nothing nice we as a society can do will ever stop him. Even if outwardly Chester looks normal and acts normal and hasn't re-offended in twenty years, in the privacy of his bedroom he's putting himself to sleep every night thinking of your kindergartner naked on his lap. It is only a matter of time before he finds himself in a position to indulge himself in his secret desires at the expense of a young life ruined.

Since the only way Chester has of obtaining sexual satisfaction if by committing an illegal and deplorable act, as a society, we have the right to decide whether or not Chester should be allowed to keep the tools that make his descent into perversion and depravity not only possible, but inevitable. There need be no cruelty in the procedure. We strap him down to an operating table, sedate him, and have a competent surgeon remove his penis and testicles leaving him a tiny nub from which to urinate. No more Chester the molester.

And if afterward Chester still has the urge to molest and manages to actually do it, then simple, society has done all it can do, we wash our hands and -- off with his fucking head.


Anonymous said...

Where is this mornings post? It is passed 9am. I can't start my day without reading Ki's Twisted Line.......Bring back the hate!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think we should take it a step further.

Stealing? remove the offenders hands.

Viewing Child porn? remove the eyes.

Speeding? remove the foot that presses the gas pedal.

Prostitution? have it sewn shut

Speaking out against the government? remove the vocal cords

Anonymous said...

Yes, embrace sharia law.

Anonymous said...

Quit exagerating Eugene. Fuck these asshole. If they can't keep it in their pants let's cut it off.

Ben Fuqua said...

Truly. Off with their heads, for doing such a thing. But perhaps, we should take that a step further, and put them in a situation of vulnerability? Torture them, much in the same way that they've tortured those kids?

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with benjamin. Let's make them suffer too.

Anonymous said...

I say off with their dicks

Anonymous said...

no ur wrong i think eugene is right except for speeding and it is a good idea that each week cut off one inch of the penus and when the penus is gone cut of each testicle, then cut out every limb on the sex offenders hands then do the same to the head till that individual is dead