I hate guns. I really do. I detest them. Not for what they are, or for what they can do, but for what they turn some 'people' into. You take your average cowardly lowlife misfit, put a gun in his hand, and suddenly this piece of human excrement turns into some sort of tough guy.
Now if our newly minted 'man' has some perceived, or even real, grievance against the world, he reaches into his waistband and out comes the artillery. Only the people he aims it at rarely deserve his wrath. It is the poor family eating at Burger King, or the kid trying to learn in the classroom, or the old lady shopping at the mall for a present, that ends up the ultimate target of this asshole.
I believe in reality, and I believe dealing with it as such. I hate needles, yet I hate being sick even more, therefore I understand the necessity for vaccinations. I get them. I also hate the cost of insurance, and the way we as a society are raped daily by the greed of corporate entities that love taking our premiums but when it comes time to payout they make us jump through hoops like circus poodles. But you know what, I buy insurance all the same, because I hate more the idea of my house burning down, the family car being wrecked, or one of my children becoming ill, and me like an idiot not being covered.
The problem with people that feel as I do about guns, is that their well-meaning solutions usually make the problem worse. Hiding from the fact that there are guns out there in the hands of bad guys is not going to stop the next malcontent from walking into a college classroom and indiscriminately opening fire, with plenty of time to take aim, while those waiting to die can do nothing but coward in their seats hoping and praying the maniac will skip them.
All gun control laws accomplish is to turn law abiding citizens into defenseless targets. Put a million gun laws on the books and I guarantee you, not one lowlife demented criminal will get rid of theirs. This is reality. It's not going to change just because we don't like the fact.
Let us then have common sense prevail, and allow those law abiding citizens among us, that like their insurance to have a trigger, carry it legally. Maybe next time some creep walks into a crowded restaurant, in a misguided attempt to settle his grievances against the world, instead of finding easy targets hiding under dinner tables he will be confronted with at least one well aimed barrel ready to carve an oversized bullet right through his worthless brain.
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